Identidad-technologies managed-services Network, infrastructure, application and security management

Streamline operations, improve productivity, boost revenue and potentialize your company’s growth with our MANAGED SERVICES.

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Our Managed Services in Voice and SMS understand the needs of your organization and offer tailor-made solutions, high network efficiency, low operative costs and revenue leakage monitoring and supervision.

We offer world-wide solutions with 24 exclusive markets that are enhanced with our proprietary technology designed to boost your gross profit.

Our top-of-the-line specialized teams offer unrivalled solutions in:

icon managed services network

Network and real-time monitoring and control

icon managed services billing

Billing management and reports

icon managed services rates

Rates management

icon managed services antifraud

Network security management




icon ms real time

Real-time monitoring systems

icon ms connection
icon ms connection
icon ms custom built

Custom-built bundle of solutions according to your company needs.

icon ms implementation

Fast implementation; versatile protocol compatibility FTP, SFTP, PCAP, among others.

icon ms connection
icon ms connection
icon ms firewall

Flexibility to adapt to existing firewall.

icon ms reports

Centralized reports: full scale data in one document.

icon ms connection


All our products are enhanced by our state-of-the-art proprietary tools that guarantee gilt-edged networks, fraud detection and mitigation, security, revenue increase and streamline operations for our partners. Our dedicated teams work all-year-round in creating enhancements for different areas of our services operations process.

Our partners will access these tools through our solutions, and they will be able to spike their revenue, make their operations more efficient, monitor their activity in real-time, access big data analytics, among many other benefits.

products identidad technologies
download identidad brochure

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Flyer managed services
managed services exclusivities

Exclusivities in LATAM and the Caraibbean

Let's connect!

Let us know if you want more information about our voice services and solutions.​